Radio Not Always Defaulting to Last Station Used on Start Up


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Sep 12, 2024
Bolton, MA
Toyota LC 250, Audi Q5
Has anyone experienced their radio going to the lowest FM station frequency when starting up their LC250, and not defaulting to the last station used? For example, if I'm listening to Sirius XM on a specific station, turn the vehicle off and come back to start it up after some time, the radio will either ask me to enable it or it'll go to FM 89.4 that I don't have saved. All my favorite stations are saved etc, but it's like the radio is resetting in some fashion. It seems random. Thanks!
Has anyone experienced their radio going to the lowest FM station frequency when starting up their LC250, and not defaulting to the last station used? For example, if I'm listening to Sirius XM on a specific station, turn the vehicle off and come back to start it up after some time, the radio will either ask me to enable it or it'll go to FM 89.4 that I don't have saved. All my favorite stations are saved etc, but it's like the radio is resetting in some fashion. It seems random. Thanks!
Same thing happens to me intermittently and not sure why. No one else is driving and not changing keys so it is not a user thing,

Happens to my wife’s BMW too, so it is not just a Toyota/LC thing.