PNW Cruisers!


Jan 6, 2025
Maybe a 250?
They had a regional section in one of the other forums I thought I would start something here.

1/22 My Landcruiser came home! I got to drive it home from the dealer and then proceeded to leave town for days. Ouch! I am looking forward to catching up with it this week. I live in Portland with my wife and two fur kids: a Ridgeback, and a pound pup that kind of looks like a 70 pound Great Dane. Right Sized! We'd love to meet other cruiser folk for coffee! Who's in?
Hello from Bellingham, WA. Our LC arrived at the port. It’s due to the dealer on Feb 12, the day we leave for vacation. 🤪
Good morning PNW
If anyone in the PNW is wanting or needing the OEM Roof Rack and a full set of 1958 wheels and tires. I am selling mine.
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I'm in Portland and really enjoying my '25 LC LC. I saw three yesterday so they are slowly being released into the wild. I have replaced the wheels ands tires and I am currently sourcing roof-racks. Coil-over suspension lift and bumpers next!