How smooth is your LC250 at 70+ mph?


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Sep 15, 2024
New England
2024 LC250
Just picked up my 24 LC LC this weekend and took it on my first mini road trip. Noticing vibration at 70+ mph that isn’t necessarily shaking the steering wheel but is noticeable through the seat, side mirrors, and even some vibrating of the back seats visible in the rear view mirror. This is my first body on frame vehicle so not sure whether to chalk this up to that or if it’s something else like wheel balance / alignment / driveshaft balance.
80 mph very smooth no vibrations for me. Just over 1k miles. I took off the roof rack crossbars day of delivery. It isn’t the smoothest car out there (it’s not intended to be). But mine drives very well for an offroad box.
Just picked up my 24 LC LC this weekend and took it on my first mini road trip. Noticing vibration at 70+ mph that isn’t necessarily shaking the steering wheel but is noticeable through the seat, side mirrors, and even some vibrating of the back seats visible in the rear view mirror. This is my first body on frame vehicle so not sure whether to chalk this up to that or if it’s something else like wheel balance / alignment / driveshaft balance.
A wheel that is out of balance will present at a certain speed and not at others, if you feel a slight shake in the steering wheel more than likely the front tires, if you feel it in the seat generally its the rear tires. At least that's my experience.
Smooth as butter. Although at 85+ I put it in Sport to stabilize the steering wheel even further
Thanks everyone. Hopefully wheel balance is the only issue - slightly nervous as I have heard of a mystery vibrating issue with the GX550s - haven’t heard the same with the LC though.
My 2024 Land Cruiser is the first Toyota I have owned, and I have been experiencing a vibration/grinding feeling in the steering wheel and sometimes floor board when above 1500 rpm that seems to be more noticeable when the engine is working to maintain speed or during acceleration. I have taken it to the dealer, but they tell me it is normal for the Land Cruiser. I have only driven larger GM trucks until now, and this doesn't seem anything like normal.
Just picked up my 24 LC LC this weekend and took it on my first mini road trip. Noticing vibration at 70+ mph that isn’t necessarily shaking the steering wheel but is noticeable through the seat, side mirrors, and even some vibrating of the back seats visible in the rear view mirror. This is my first body on frame vehicle so not sure whether to chalk this up to that or if it’s something else like wheel balance / alignment / driveshaft balance.
Mine is like a dream 85 to 90 on the freeway!
Mine is very smooth.

That said, I’ve had to have wheels rebalanced after having new tires mounted & balanced. It’s an easy fix but frustrating that you have to take it back and say, “do it again!”. This has happened several times over the years and has involved several shops.
Mine runs extremely well at 70mph with no noticeable vibration or shaking. I’ve only spent a short amount of time at 70mph+ as I’m still in the break-in period, but haven’t experienced anything like you’re describing. Once I’m through the break-in period I’ve got a road trip planned where the speed limit will be 80mph for certain stretches and I’ll report back if anything changes.
Yeah no vibrations for me and i drive 70-80 on hwy at times here in AZ. +1 for checking your tire pressure. My tires were all in the high 40’s i believe and its supposed to be 31psi