Did first local trip w the new 1958 w stock everything. Just got it 4 days ago and haven’t really driven it because I have a work car. Traded a perfectly maintained and well used 5th gen 4Runner and I still believe that is one of the greatest cars ever built. Was VERY skeptical and even started to think I made a bad buy going w the LC. But I needed to get it on some long miles and dirt to see. Not ready to take it to Hidden Falls quite yet. Today I did most of the Texas Hill Country Overland route over 10hrs and about 275mi. Everything from asphalt to gravel to hard pack dirt, sand, and river rock. Locked center diff a couple times. It freaking NAILED it. So impressed w the power and suspension. Wheeled around the James /Llano river island and didn’t hit the underside once. At the James River crossing areas I wheeled up on the rocks and had a blast. Even the new stuff I’m not used to like lane assist etc made it kind of cool on the pavement drives. Figuring out the gas level took some getting used to but I did the whole route in less than a whole tank of fuel. Avg 20.9MPG and I wasn’t babying the throttle. I’m totally sold on this thing. Didn’t think things could get better than that old 4L V6 in the runner but I couldn’t be more wrong. This is an epic car. Just needs some better tires asap….