Last Thursday while waiting in the queue to enter the arena in Manchester England I received a text from my dealer that the Meteor Shower had arrived. I fly home from London tomorrow and will pick it up when I wake up on Tuesday. Will take some pics. Its finally here.
Downtown Toyota in Oakland played that game. Had in stock and MSRP went to how much over will you pay now and we will get you the LC when we get it. Don't even think we are selling at MSRP.
I have a deposit at One Toyota as a backup.
Add Downtown Toyota to the list. Bait and switch. Yes we have in stock and I said only interested in MSRP. They said come down. Had nothing andcwere preselling at the give me your highest price level. CYa Bye.
That's why I cancelled the original black one and got the Meteor Shower. I will be travelling until then and no point in paying for it to sit in a parking lot.
The sound system is very important to me. I record live concerts and got to test out the sound system with the one in the show room. I was very impressed. The sales manager was with me and said he liked a couple of reggae artists. I put on a performance from a reggae festival and he was...
The original one I had ordered arrived in Benicia 3/28. Still there. A later one that was allocated to the dealer has been delivered. I have checked it out but waiting on the Meteor Shower one since I will be out of the country until July and no need to pay for it until I am going to drive it.
My dealer has one on the floor now. This was the third one allocated. My original one was their first allocation and it has been at port 7 weeks. I could have taken it yesterday but waiting on the Meteor Shower one that was allocated and is due in next few weeks.
Interesting day on the LC FE front. I just got back home for 72 hours. On Weds I got a message from my dealer a black one arrived if I was in town. I said I wasn't as I was in Seattle going into a Rolling Stones concert. Got home yesterday and heard from Downtown Toyota in Oakland (providing...
I got a message from my dealer Weds early evening asking if I was in town as the original one finally arrived. I said I was out of town (queuing in to see the Rolling Stones in Seattle) and would prefer to wait for the Meteor Shower one scheduled for June. So, 7 weeks from Benicia port to the...
I cancelled the order and took the Meteor Shower one that was their 3rd allocation since I am traveling for 2 months. Hoping it's waiting for me when I get home July 2 so I could take it on the road trip scheduled for July 5.
I would call it NIT (Not in Time) inventory management. When it take longer to get from port to dealer than it takes to build it and ship it from Japan something is wrong.
Just got to Vegas for the Stones. Did Jazzfest too and have 6 more. Hoping/expecting to drive mine to the LA and Santa Clara shows. Which one are you catching?
The first one with my name on it arrived at port 3/28. It is still "being processed". I pulled the plug on that one since I will be out of the country and have my name on the 3rd one they were allocated which now shows late May although I don't care since I can't pick it up until 7/3.
The one I was supposed to receive a month ago (arrived at port 3/28) is still processing. They have been allocated 5 and none have been received. The one which has my name on it is supposed to leave Japan in a few days. I have told them I will pick it up on 7/3 since I will be out of the country.
I was upgraded to a brand new Jeep Wrangler with 341 miles at Budget rental car and it was fun for a rental (and more fun than the minivan or beat up Prius that tried to give me) but after driving it for 4 days I was not going to buy one. A Landcruiser or I drive my FJ another 100k miles.