I guess I should have worded my question differently I know it won’t be worth 8-10 k more. But % wise depreciation be equal or not ?
Say the LC Premium drops 15% in 2 years , will FE drop more or less ?
I know it’s an unknown , but asking for a friend LOL
you are correct . just not sure I want to eat the mark up upon resale in 2-4 years.
Does the forum think the FE will hold it value compared to the Land Cruiser Premium .
Lets say the FE is $82K and LC prem is $74 K today . will there still be $10k difference when selling or trading ?
I don't...
Well unfortunately for me I am too late to get on a list with a new dealer and every Land Cruiser on the ground is already sold unless it has a huge markup
My dealer just informed me today that the Land Cruiser First Edition that they have coming is $5000 over msrp.
They tell me the Gulf State pricing all FE are sold either to the dealership or any where from 5-30k over sticker to customers .
I just don’t see how they can tell me know it’s over...
I will say if it is designed similar to Tundra Hybrid which I have the 110 outlet only works if engine is running. It keeps you from running battery down.
Dealer just got allocation for Land Cruiser in black , but it is their understanding that they will hold all until they can deliver 1 to every dealer that is allocated one about the same time . that is for the Gulf State Region only . Weather that is true or not who knows.
black is my least...
I don’t know how you could have a true allocation for may , what you have is a buyers agreement to purchase a first edition for 90,000 if and when they get one .
Usually the allocation comes out for the dealer and it is already on the ground before the dealer knows
That is my understanding