Hello from NC!!


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Jul 22, 2024
Winston-Salem NC
2024 Land Cruiser
Hello from Winston-Salem NC. I just picked up my 2024 Meteor Shower Land Cruiser last week. I've had mostly sporty cars throughout my life with a dabble of some off-road vehicles here and there but I think I will enjoy the land cruiser once I tweak a couple of things :).
Welcome to the forum LandCruzinJeff. HEY, that is MY LC! Well, the one we have on order. Long story, but our dealer is being less than proactive. What do you plan on tweaking?
Just some small things. So far I have tinted the windows, deleted the chrome Inforce badge and put a k&n filter in. Near future hope to replace the nittos with some Michelins ltx Platinums and replace the factory speakers with the new alpine type rโ€™s or something similar. I love the way the nittos ridge grapplers look but want something more streetable, better mpgs and still good for some mild off-road, snow and rainy conditions. Iโ€™m not sure after that. Maybe some rock rails and see what all the aftermarket comes out with.
Just some small things. So far I have tinted the windows, deleted the chrome Inforce badge and put a k&n filter in. Near future hope to replace the nittos with some Michelins ltx Platinums and replace the factory speakers with the new alpine type rโ€™s or something similar. I love the way the nittos ridge grapplers look but want something more streetable, better mpgs and still good for some mild off-road, snow and rainy conditions. Iโ€™m not sure after that. Maybe some rock rails and see what all the aftermarket comes out with.
Have viewed some tests, and yes, the K&M air filters increase performance a bit, but they do a relatively poor job in dusty conditions. I would not use one if off-roading, especially following other vehicles.
I mainly have it in for daily street use to help the gas mileage and performance. If I did plan to go anywhere dusty I could have the stock one back in fairly quickly. Itโ€™s not too dusty where I am in NC even off-road.
I mainly have it in for daily street use to help the gas mileage and performance. If I did plan to go anywhere dusty I could have the stock one back in fairly quickly. Itโ€™s not too dusty where I am in NC even off-road.
Understand. Just the opposite here in the desert west. Dust-dust-dust! Heaven help one if they are with a group traveling off-road.